- Prof. Brian Kobilka M.D
G protein-coupled receptors
in this lecture, the Nobel prize winner Prof. Kobilka gived us an insight into the family of G -Protein-Coupled-Receptors (GPCR), the largest family of cell surface receptors. Given the role in regulation of all aspects of human physiology GPCR are the main target of today’s pharmaceuticals. He discussed approaches to characterize the structure and mechanistic activation of GPCR at molecular level.
- Prof. Dr. Michael Dustin
T cells on the attack against cancer and infection
Professor of Immunology and Wellcome Principal Research Fellow, Director of Research of the Kennedy Institute, University of Oxford
January 20 @ 7:15 pm
In this lecture, Prof. Dustin introduced the “immunological synapse”, the specialized junction between immune cells and their targets. Thereby, he discussed three recent examples concerning
1. molecular dynamics in the context of cancer immunotherapy;
2. the inhibition of the immunological synapse by plasmodium;
3. “protein bombs” from T-cells killing cancerous and infected cells
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